
Along the years I've been involved in different projects, here are some relevant examples:

2021: Deltavan, a platform for finding overnight spots for motorhomes

2017: Brutal addiction, an addictive game of speed and agility

2016: Furgo perfectos, a viewer app for a public database for camper overnight

2016: No lo tiro (defunct), an app to visualize the content of "No lo tiro" site

2016: Smartick tutor (defunct), a tool for parents for Smartick's platform

2016: Simplest speedo, a simple and agile speedometer

2015: Historias app (defunct), a platform to explore cities' history while walking

2014: Izzi GO, Izzi cable-TV platform app

2012: Newscover (defunct), news visualizer app

2011: Contact vibrate (defunct), vibration selector for contacts

2011: Gesture call (defunct), an app to call using gestures

2011: wav2ppm, small C program to turn audio files into frequency heat maps

2010: nummp, a UNIX console multimedia player written in C

2009: avdvdb, a series of bash scripts for authoring DVD-video

2004: y-blog, a custom blog engine in PHP